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Do We Need Anything More than Yah's Word?

Writer's picture: Eva SilvaEva Silva

I had no free access to internet growing up. I started keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day (to the disappointment of my family) because I couldn’t see anywhere in the Bible that it said what I had been taught all my life. I searched and searched the Bible until I realized, keeping Sunday Sabbath could only be found outside the Bible. Later I learned it was a law made by the Roman emperor Constantine and continued on by the Roman Catholics. The teaching that Yeshua is our Sabbath rest therefore we don't need to stop resting on the seventh day anymore - you won't find that anywhere in the Bible either. Man altered the Word of Yah.

Duet 12:32 Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it.

Having no access to anything but Yah’s word made me realize that it was all I needed for anything I had questions on. Yes, indeed, reading history is extremely helpful, and I’ve enjoyed a few spare teachings for sure since I began using the internet regularly, but other teachings besides scripture can also be so risky. We have a world of information at our fingertips, and the devil is out to deceive us through it.

Every Christian denomination has been affected by Roman Catholicism. Protestantism, Lutheranism, Orthodox Christianity, it all has been tainted by what Constantine and early church fathers taught, having been influenced by the Roman pagans. I truly believe Catholicism is the final beast of Daniel and Revelation (a beast signifies a super-kingdom). We are dominated by its system. Islam, the Jesuits (one of the evilest of Catholic offshoots - just read the Jesuit Oath), and Masonry were all designed by Catholicism. We use its Catholic calendar in every aspect of our lives. We all practice its laws without even thinking about it. This kingdom rules the entire world.

When you leave mainstream Christianity and as much of Catholic Babylon that you can, that is when you enter no-man’s-land. Without all the legalistic laws and traditions of man, you feel a huge burden lifted. You are free. Yet then the enemy comes down on you with new darts of deception you’ve never heard before. Since you threw out the old traditions, you begin to be introduced to new ones that tickle your ears. You are alone in a forsaken land. There is little accountability in this place. Here is where we need to fasten on the armor of God (His Word alone) and stand firm against these new ideas. They will all be found outside scripture, and they will all be introduced to you by some teacher who believes they found special knowledge. I’ve heard with great sadness how so many Torah brothers and sisters turn away and run after fables because of mystic teachings they were shown. I know I am not immune to this risk either! I walk this path in faith but also trembling.

Since Yah showed me when I went against my childhood teachings that I didn’t need anything but the scriptures, I started stalwartly refusing to myself to read any book or watch any YouTube video on matters that are controversial, grey, or cannot be found by me simply reading scripture. Oh yes, I’ve been told I’m being willfully blind by many. Do I think I have it all right, that I’ve figured everything out? On the contrary. I know I must have many things wrong. But I also know I have the best convictor of truth there is possible at my side, the Word’s of my Shepherd. May He shield us all from the trickery of the thief who covets our ears.

Below was the verse of the day in my e-sword app:

Ecclesiastes 12:11-14 The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

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