Please take the time to read this entire post. I know it’s very long, but it’s been on my heart for a while to share this with you all, and I believe it is very important. Manually write the following recommendations down if you find them of value. Don’t just save this post online where it will get forgotten. Share it with anyone you think it might benefit.
All my life, I was taught to be ready. Think, train, gather knowledge, and watch carefully. I grew up in the mountains, and I let them be my teachers. I used to be extremely fit, scaling or descending extreme mountain trails in very little time. I trained myself to run long distance and practiced survival any chance I got. After moving to a different country where everything was unfamiliar and less safe to practice my skills in, they started to go dormant, but lately Father has been waking them up. I desire to share some of what I know with you all. If you are like me, keep in mind your body, muscles, and bones have memory. Even if you are not fit anymore, if you start now, it will all come back.
Right now, we’re seeing all over the world that people are suffering deeply. Sickness, no money for food or electricity, breaches of privacy, vehicles breaking down, banks failing, homelessness, houses being uninhabitable because of mold or flooding, rejection from friends and family, loss of jobs, businesses failing, etc. The times are telling us something, friends. Can you read it in the fig tree like Yeshua told us we would?
Matthew 24:32,33 From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates.
Before our Messiah comes back, things are going to get rough. He has told us some of us will be preserved while others will not. Always remember, though, whether we and our loved ones live or die, we’ll all be seeing each other again quite soon. Even if this time of trouble comes in one year or ten, let’s start being prepared NOW. The following things are my own personal recommendations for how you can prepare for the future. Not all of it will apply to everyone, so please just glean from it whatever speaks to you.
1. They are always listening. Filter your communication and practice using words only you and trusted people know. Always assume that whatever you are sharing online is going to be seen by someone who could be trying to gather information about you. This is NOT to encourage paranoia. Some things need to be shared. Everyone knows I often share about my life and testimony online, but I only share plans and sensitive information with those I trust. All of that stays safely stored in my brain, and if I think even people I trust might accidentally let that information out, I keep it to myself. Find the balance between caution and panic, because in the end, they know a lot more about you than you realize, and your personal information is stored in databanks that anyone can access nowadays. Choose carefully what you concern yourself over, otherwise you will kill yourself with anxiety over the things you can’t control.
2. Hygiene is incredibly important for your health. A lot of us have become accustomed to the conveniences that allow us to stay clean. Consider how you can maintain your personal hygiene when you have zero access to your current commodities.
3. Everyone goes into panic mode when disaster strikes, and this is all because of a lack of preparedness, not only physically but mentally as well. Prepare your mind. Logic things out. Use the current problems in your life as a means to test, train, and refine how you react to emergency. See each trial you experience as a score you’ve accomplished, something that gave you more knowledge and the opportunity to practice level-headedness.
4. Understand the world around you. Get back into nature and find ways to wean yourself off of your dependence on the system. Our Father wants us to start depending on Him for everything, and right now He is training us to do that by cutting out from under us the things in the world that we depend on. Cars, supermarkets and other conveniences, hospitals, homes, untrustworthy friends and family, even corporate jobs - all of these things we can learn to live without if we are dependent on Him.
5. Never underestimate your body’s abilities. Even if you are older, weaker, or have frail health, train yourself with whatever means you have. Get up and climb anything you have access to, be it a stairs, a hill, or a mountain.
6. Don’t be a lone wolf (and I’m saying this to people like myself in particular since I am very independent minded). Figure out now who it is you can trust and create a plan together, complete with routes, passcodes, and safe places. Discuss what kind of risks, emergencies, and natural disasters you could face in the future in your area or the place you plan to go to.
7. Everyone is waiting for “the right time” despite NOW being the right time, and very few of us are learning to work together. Put aside your minor differences, knuckle down, and evaluate what you have that could help someone else, be it finances, land, skills, or knowledge. Stop thinking about what other people have or what you don’t have. The only way we’ll ever learn to work together is to figure out what it is we can give to someone else.
8. Renew your passports and research which countries you need a visa to enter. Research which countries are least likely to be involved in political turmoil and most importantly pray to the Father to show you where He wants you to be.
9. Get a good understanding of your country borders. Where are the areas that are most easily crossed?
10. Remember that when calamity strikes, you may not have access to gas, internet, or other commodities. Stock up right now on physical maps. Study them and learn how to navigate in both your area and areas you are unfamiliar with without using your phone.
11. Organize your belongings and sell what you don’t need. All of this stuff is just a useless weight that we cannot bring with us.
12. Unless your escape route leads you through the wilderness, consider getting a bike or any other means of transportation that doesn’t depend on the system, even if it is just to serve you for part of your journey.
13. Not everyone will feel called to leave when trouble comes. Some of you may feel called to stay and help those who are escaping. This is an extremely serious choice, and one that will demand even more awareness and preparation. Make sure you know what will be required of you. I’m not one who’s much into guns, but consider getting trained and licensed for this if it is possible in your country.
14. Don’t let the current safety you have make you ignore warnings. Lots of people are living very comfortably right now, and the idea of chaos is overwhelming. Your brain shuts down and you don’t want to consider any of the things I’m sharing are actually going to necessary for you to know in your lifetime, but believe me, when disaster strikes, your survival instincts are going to kick into hyperdrive, and you’ll be desperate because you didn’t prepare yourself for it. If the idea of persecution and fleeing is upsetting to you, take a deep breath and approach this with a level, practical head.
15. Read up on how to carry someone who is injured or disabled in an emergency. I used to practice this all the time with my siblings. We roughhoused a lot, and I remember one time in particular when I grabbed two of my adult sisters around their waists at the same time and carried them around just to see if it was possible (I don’t recommend that as a carrying method). Do these kind of things with your family (if they’ll let you)! It’s a good way to train together and stay lighthearted at the same time.
16. Another skill you should learn is growing food. It can be a very difficult skill to master depending on your climate, but unless you plan on being a carnivore or only foraging, this is something vital to understand. Produce will become one of the top commodities in a survival situation, so it can also be used for trading. Practice growing things in your home as this is something you can start learning TODAY. It doesn’t matter if you live in the city since you can make use of any space as long as there is sunlight. Consider investing in a dehydrator if you live in a cool climate and learn how to sun dry if you live in a hot climate. These are also things I did growing up, and I can testify to how incredibly useful these skills are to have.
17. If your escape plan is to bunker instead of exit, the most important things you can stock up on are things to treat sickness and injuries. Study foraging for medicinal plants and natural remedies. This knowledge is vital! Consider stocking spices, herbs, and essential oils.
18. Learn how to build shelter. If you are on the move, seeking or making temporary shelter should always be your first concern. Understand the risks of wildlife if you think your path will lead you through nature. Many people underestimate or forget about the dangers of smaller animals such as snakes and even insects. Make a habit of watching survival videos on YouTube with your family instead of playing games. Be it in the city or in nature, there is a wealth of information out there on how to stay safe while passing through these places. Learn how to hunt and even shoot a bow, which was another thing I used to do before I became stagnant.
19. Remember the importance of having access to clean water. This should be considered at the same time while searching for shelter. I highly recommend investing in something like a life straw, but do keep in mind these devices don’t filter everything. Do your best to make sure the water source you’re collecting from is safe. Springs are best, and if it’s on a mountain make an effort to get as close as possible to the source.
20. Other ways to stay mentally and physically prepared are learning self-defense, weight lifting, fasting, and running. My brothers used to show me different ways to escape a choke hold and also showed me a little martial arts. Look up some of the ways to break out of common holds or positions when being restrained by an attacker.
21. Are you planning to whether out the storm? Find ways to safeguard your property. When I was in my teens, I studied how to build an underground root cellar so I could store food without the need for electricity. It is a lot more doable than you would think if you have the land for it. It could also act as a place of hiding if you are strategic enough with its location and disguise. These kinds of things used to be common sense and knowledge to people in pioneer days, so you don’t need fancy equipment to get the job done. P.S. Since everyone now knows I know how to build a cellar - that’s not where you’re going to find me hiding. ;)
22. Destroy your credit cards. They are there to teach you to depend on the system, monitor you, and they are one of the worst footholds in the life of believers. Our Father teaches us in His word that we should not borrow from the nations (unbelievers) because then they become our masters. Not only that, they cause us extreme unnecessary stress regardless of how well we manage them. You may believe they are necessary, but I promise you, they are not. Whatever thing came to your mind just now, that is convenience, not necessity. Learn to put your trust in Him to provide everything for you. If you cannot immediately get rid of them because of debt, let the Father know you are ready for Him to cut away these chains, and you will see how He provides. I firmly believe He wishes us to let go of credit cards in particular because of how they are inhibiting believers’ faith in Him. When I told Him last year I was going to destroy my card as soon as I was debt free, He provided almost immediately. For those of you with bigger debts that seem impossible, hang in there and have faith. Know He does not want this struggle for you.
23. Pack a bag with survival items. Have it ready to go with flares, matches, rope, a life straw, compass, maps, earth-toned and durable clothes, first-aid kit, flashlight, and knife. If you are a woman, pack rags and consider learning how to use a menstruation cup if it is possible for you. If you are in nature a cup will be extremely important for you to lessen the risk of dogs and wild animals tracking you down.
24. Even if you think you won’t need it, consider putting all your important documents/records on a USB stick and storing it somewhere safe and waterproof. You have no idea of how this could assist you should you seek refuge in another country. Just make sure to avoid documenting any sensitive information that could harm others if it got into the wrong hands.
25. Take some time to write things down on paper instead of your phone. Again, be very careful with sensitive information.
26. Remember above all that when things go wrong, you won’t have time to study or gather knowledge. NOW is the time for you to gather all this information and store it in your brain. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE WITH THIS. Write down a list of the most important things you believe are necessary to know and study those things every day.
27. A lot of you are living with spouses or families who don’t see or feel the need to be prepared. I am extremely sorry for this, but please do not let it discourage or inhibit you. Remember that our Father can still spare you just as He spared Lot. Pray without ceasing for spouses or family members to have their eyes opened, but do not let them become an idol that drags you down. Be strong and make do with whatever means our Father has given you to be prepared. Most importantly, store up His Word in your heart like oil in a lamp.
To close this, let me ask this: Why are so many of us waiting for things to go haywire before we take action? Why are we waiting for someone else to lead the way? Why are we so determined to make this world work for us? It’s time to go back to the basics. We could have ten years to prepare, or we could have less than a year. The amount of time we have, though, is actually up to us, because we’re the ones who decide when we start. Start now!
May the Father surround you with His perfect shalom! Ladies, feel free to reach out to me privately on my social media if you have any questions or just want to chat about this.
Matthew 10:36-39 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Mark 10:29-31 Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
Matthew 25:1-13 Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’ And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’ But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.